Some great tools
Software or
service that I use all the time.
- Emacs
- Well... Spacemacs, with org-mode, etc.
- SublimeText
- Sometime, emacs' iedit is not nimble enough multi-cursors and real-time regex feedback is beyond awesome!
- vim
- Because it's everywhere and very configurable
- IntelliJ
- Mind bending refactoring tool. The support for Java, Python and Scala is amazing.
- iTerm2
- So much better than Terminal (Mac only)
- Some Linux distro
- Because managing a server without SSH is a lot of work.
- Python
- As a general rule, if you can think of a problem somebody else already created a module/library to solve it. Throw some PANDAS (and NumPy) and you got some awesome data analysis tool.
- AutoHotKey
- Makes repetitive work a breeze (Windows only).
- Hammerspoon
- Autohot key for macOS, but with Lua.
- Git
- Makes versioning trivial and easy. Github ftw!
- Lightroom
- The go-to software to process lots and lots of RAW photos.
- Other apps
- brew